Thursday, October 27, 2016

Rocks and Gems

     My favorite color is purple. My birthstone is amethyst, which is a purple stone or quartz. The amethyst is my favorite stone or crystal or geode or whatever people say amethyst is, and it’s my favorite because it is purple. The fact that it’s my birthstone is simply a happy coincidence.

     According to Minerals.Net ( and other various places on the Internet (most of which sell gems, crystals, and jewelry), the amethyst is a mineral and a gemstone of the quartz family. Its color ranges from lilac to a deep purple hue. “Its name derives from the Greek "amethystos", which means "not drunken", as Amethyst in antiquity was thought to ward off drunkenness.” (Minerals.Net) Wow! Could I have used that during my early college years!

     The amethyst is also known for having healing effects, such as calming, relaxing, and energizing (these seem contradictory to me). From what I’ve read of amethysts, I feel as if it is very much like lavender. I use lavender because of its calming and soothing effects. Amethysts, according to several online sites, have a positive energy that can destroy any negative energy. Since I cannot find any verifiable information – legitimate research, I’m wary to believe the information that many of these sites proclaim about amethyst. Oddly enough, I do not have any amethysts in my home, but that may change soon as I would like to see these positive qualities for myself. If nothing comes of it, at least the stone will be pretty to behold.

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