Friday, October 21, 2016

Great Minds

     Several years ago, while I was attending college, I had the pleasure of talking to and later befriending a woman that saved my life, in a way. She was very friendly and very patient with me. I was a mess during some of my college years. This friend, Eldora, helped me cope with life’s troubles. She was an art therapist, and she helped me see how art and my creativity could soothe the savage beast that seemed to dwell within me.
     She introduced me to the joys of doodling. It was through that method that I was able to tame the troubles and concentrate more on my studies. At one point, I had considered changing my major to art therapy because I knew that if it helped me, it helped others, too. I did extensive research, at that time, on art therapy. I was going for my education degree, and I figured I could add art therapy to the mix.
     I didn’t go after that major, and I don’t really remember why I didn’t pursue it. I did graduate with a B.A. in Education, and a concentration in art and English, so I did take something positive from my counseling sessions with Eldora. Another benefit from speaking with and working with Eldora was showing my artwork at the college library. I also dabbled in literary efforts, submitting my work to the college’s literary magazine. I owe many thanks to Eldora because she helped me see the true gifts and talents that had been hidden within me.

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