I was going to write a comparison-contrast post on Blogger and WordPress, but after I researched the topic, I decided the world has enough articles on it. Hands down, Blogger is my favorite site for writing down my thoughts and showing the world of readers what's going on in my life. I will, from time to time, add a post to WordPress, but I probably won't share many pictures because I've learned that once I use up the limited amount of space on WP, I will have to pay to expand. At this point in my life, spending money on blogging is out of the picture.
I am used to Blogger as I've been writing entries in here for several years. Only recently have I started to write on a more regular basis. When I first started journal-writing, I didn't know what I wanted to write about, or maybe I didn't think anyone wanted to read anything I wanted to write about. Therefore, I slacked off on my writing.
I keep a hard-copy journal, and I write in it occasionally. I have to say, however, that I haven't written in that journal for several months, and every time I start an entry in it, I write promises that I'll write more often (perhaps, tomorrow, I will actually write in that journal). I think I haven't been writing in the journal notebook because I don't have a couch. This is where my readers are thinking, "What are you talking about? You don't need a couch to write in a journal." Perhaps, an explanation is due.
When I lived at my old place, I had a couch. I kept my journal notebook in a cubbyhole in the coffee table so that I could have easy access to it. Now, in my new place, I don't have a couch (yet), and my journal notebook is in my travel bag in my bedroom. I spend my waking hours at my desk, which is downstairs. This is another reason I need a couch: I'm spending too much time at my desk.
I guess, tomorrow, I'll put the journal on a shelf under my desk (after I write an entry in it, of course). I have an adhesive whiteboard-like sheet on the wall next to my desk, and to remind myself to write in the hard-copy journal, I'll write a note on that wall-sheet. The picture below is half of the adhesive sheet on my wall. It has a quotation from Francis Bacon on the top and the spring 2013 semester checklist on the right-hand side of the sheet. Above the sheet is a calendar (that one is July); I have four of those on the wall above the sheet (currently reading from left to right and down: April, May, June, July). Directly above my pc monitor is a larger calendar (August).
Now, perhaps, you might be wondering why August is on the larger calendar. Okay, I'll tell you why. The larger calendar (also adhesive) is for January and August of each year because they are starting months for the spring and fall semesters. August has been written on the calendar now. When this month (July) is over, I will erase April, May, June, and July from the smaller wall calendars and re-label/re-number them September, October, November, and December. I need to have the January to May and August to December calendars within easy view so that I can plan my lessons, homework assignments, tests, projects, and meetings.
I hope you don't mind the links I've provided for you. I figure you might want to know where I bought these items, so I added links to them (in Amazon). The links should take you directly to the item's page. If they don't, please let me know.
Whether I write here in Blogger (or WP) or in my journal notebook, I am writing my thoughts, and there are myriad benefits to "journaling." If you don't believe me, here's a website that may convince you to journal more: http://www.appleseeds.org/100_journaling.htm.
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