I'm putting the photo in my blog in the hopes that someone will see the owl and tell me from where it came. Thank you (whoever you are), by the way, for making this picture available.
I happened upon this unique picture by sheer luck. I saw a snowy egret while I was at work. After I saw it, I looked on the Internet to see if that really was a snowy egret that I saw. During my search, I found the owl photo. I saved it to my usb drive and printed the pic, too. I have that picture taped to my office door. Every time I see it, I laugh. I've received some compliments on it, too.
One person commented on it, saying she thought the photo was doctored. She said she thinks there is a human face behind the owl's face. I really hope that is not the case because that would take the uniqueness out of the picture. That's why I'm looking for the website or person who took the picture.
I don't think the picture has been altered. During my search tonight, I found another laughing snowy owl, and its pupils were dark and the area around the pupils was school-bus-yellow. I think the owl above is the real thing.
Whatever the case may be, looking at the photo makes me smile. It makes many people smile. That is something we all need: laughter. Laughter makes us feel good. Laughter puts us in a better mood.

When I'm having a bad day at work, laughter lightens my mood. I like to share my good mood with others, which is why the photo is on my office door. It is near a picture of how to weigh yourself. Another funny pic is a Hagar the Horrible cartoon that stresses the importance of reading (sorry, I don't have that cartoon to post here).
Generally, most of my days at work are happy ones. I enjoy being happy. I like to make people laugh. I have a dry sense of humor. I'm most notorious for my one-liners. Those are what people laugh at the most. I'm terrible at telling jokes because I can never remember them after I've heard them. My dad, on the other hand, has a wealth of jokes and remembers every one of them. Amazing! That is truly a gift, I think.
Okay, I've probably written enough in this blog, so I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. Perhaps, I will post another entry tomorrow. One thing is for sure, I need to post more often than once every three months. I'll do my best.